Podcasts Archives - Seth Czerepak


Episode 1: The Problem of The Age

We all know what the “problem of the age” is because it’s bearing down on us right now. It’s the arrogant belief that we should submit to the “rules” of those who THINK they know what is “best” for the rest of us. It’s the belief that anyone who doesn’t embrace these “rules” is a horrible person who must be silenced. Let me remind you that this has been tried many times in history, and in many countries…

Episode 2: The Root of Irrational Belief

In this show, you’ll discover the eye-popping scientific discoveries which have revealed that people are not rational beings. Our rational mind is merely the “narrator” of our decisions. Our conscious explanations behind our beliefs and actions don’t have to be based on reality and often aren’t. The good news is, once you understand the REAL motive behind our beliefs, we can more effectively persuade others, and…

Episode 3: Practical Willpower I

How would your life change if you had more willpower and mental clarity? What if you could build an iron-clad defense against negative influences and people? If you’re ready to take charge of your decisions and your life, this episode is for you. Seth Czerepak carefully unpacks the secrets to improving your mental clarity, self-awareness, and discipline. He goes deeper than the tired old time-management gimmicks…

Episode 4: Practical Willpower II

How would your life change if you had more willpower and mental clarity? What if you could build an iron-clad defense against negative influences and people? If you’re ready to take charge of your decisions and your life, this episode is for you. Seth Czerepak carefully unpacks the secrets to improving your mental clarity, self-awareness, and discipline. He goes deeper than the tired old time-management gimmicks…

Episode 5: The Tyranny of Conformity

Get ready to discover the root of today’s tyranny. Today’s tyranny isn’t wrought by kings in castles or dictators in seats of power. It is a dangerously decentralized and socially reinforced global peer pressure that’s reinforced by some of the most intellectually crippled and emotionally desolate people in our society. Seth discusses the real power behind cancel culture and how we can overcome the tyranny of conformity…

Episode 6: The Philosophy of Civilization

In this radio show, I peel back all the complexities of western philosophy to expose the bedrock principles on which Modern Civilization was built. These ideas are simple enough for anyone to understand and to live by. But, they’re also simple enough to take for granted. This is why we’re hurtling toward an age when our technological progress could easily outpace our moral and…

Episode 7: Grow for the Life You Want

Growing for the life you want means developing habits that naturally bring about the life you want. It means replacing your appetite for techniques, systems, programs, shortcuts, and other superficial methods with a genuine love for growth. This is the difference between what author Steven Covey calls “The Personality Ethic” and “The Character Ethic.” The Personality Ethic focuses on superficial…

Episode 8: The Four Personality Types

Why is communication so easy with some people, and so messy with others? In this episode, I explain the four primary Personality Types, including their strengths and weaknesses, how they communicate, and what motivates them. This simple personality type model has been used since the time of the Ancient Greeks. Today, it’s one of the simplest and most dependable systems for understanding and communicating with…

Episode 9: Character Judgment Part I

The ability to judge someone’s character is the most valuable skill you’ll ever learn. With this skill, you’ll be able to judge how someone will act, especially under pressure. You’ll understand why people keep some of their commitments, and why they break others. This skill will empower you to make better decisions, in business, in your personal life, and in your recreational life. In this episode, I explain three pillars of…

Episode 10: Character Judgment Part II

The ability to judge someone’s character is the most valuable skill you’ll ever learn. With this skill, you’ll be able to judge how someone will act, especially under pressure. You’ll understand why people keep some of their commitments, and why they break others. This skill will empower you to make better decisions, in business, in your personal life, and in your recreational life. In this episode, I explain three pillars of…

Podcast 1: Restarting from Nothing

I’m one of those entrepreneurs who started with nothing AND who restarted with nothing. Think about it, how many times do you get to SEE an entreprenuer’s success story unfold in real-time? That’s the purpose of this podcast The Story of My Experiments With Hope, of which this video is the first entry. It summarizes how I got here, and how I’m coming back from rock bottom.

Podcast 2: Managing Perfectionism

Procrastination and Entrepreneurship are 100% Incompatible. But what most entrepreneurs never learn is how perfectionism DRIVES procrastination. 10,000+ hours of one-on-one coaching taught me that this misunderstanding is a top obstacle to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Here’s how you STOP perfectionism and procrastination form stealing your dreams.

Podcast 3: Equity vs Income

What do you think of when you hear the terms “entrepreneurship” and “social capital” in the same sentence? It has nothing to do with politics, sociology, or even economics. It has to do with the difference between building equity and chasing income. Income is important, but it shouldn’t be your long-term goal. Smart entrepreneurs focus on equity first, income second.

Podcast 4: Science of Self-Sabotage

Self-Sabotage and fear of success are one and the same. In my experience, every entrepreneur who hits a plateau, and can’t break past it, is secretly sabotaging their own success. The problem is, most people are in 100% denial about their own self-destructive behaviors. Instead, they either rationalize their behavior, or they try to correct the SYMPTOMS of self-sabotage.

Podcast 5: My Dumbest Mistake

It’s one of the most common mistakes new writers make. It was also one of my dumbest mistakes during my first run as a freelance writer… I didn’t build a reputation by publishing outside of my own website. When my two websites were (ehem… “hacked”), my entire repertoire of online articles went the way of the Titanic. I know. I was dumb not to backup my work.

Podcast 6: Boundaries in Business

What are boundaries for business owners? Simply put, boundaries tell you, and other people, what your limits are. In other words, how far will you go to accommodate a client (or employee), and where do you draw the line? If your answer is some cliche like “I’ll do whatever it takes” …then you have no business boundaries. This is a liability in your business and your life. 

Podcast 7: Asking With Gratitude

Do you know why gratitude is important for success? It’s about more than just making you feel good. It’s also about more than just positive thinking. Gratitude is how you ask for good things to come into your life. This is completely different than literally asking for things (either in prayer or in asking others). Asking without gratitude is like steering your car while it’s still in park. 

Podcast 8: Thinking vs Awareness

Positive thinking vs fearless awareness. My one-on-one coaching expertise taught me that changing your life is about more than just “changing your thinking.” Your thoughts are the product of your awareness. Trying to change them without changing your awareness is like trying to change the direction of a river. Change your awareness, and you’ll change everything.

Podcast 9: Finding Your Focus

Are you wondering how to stay focused as an entrepreneur? It’s not about self-discipline. If you don’t have that already, you should find a job. The real question is, what is your “One Thing?” What could you become so good at, and/or so well known for, that people on the other side would bring up your name (or your brand) if they were talking about it?

Podcast 10: Bad Money Mindsets

A negative money mindset is the most common cause of self-sabotage for an entrepreneur. But, did you know that you can have a negative money mindset without even knowing it? Most people assume that it’s a matter of whether you have a “poverty consciousness.” There are three ways your beliefs about money can devastate your entrepreneurial goals.

Podcast 11: Marketing Psychology

Marketing Psychology is only one half of the marketing equation. The other half is mathematical probability. I’ve seen hundreds of entrepreneurs struggle with consistency because they don’t understand how to leverage mathematical probability in the tactical approach to their marketing campaigns, or when managing their expectations and assumptions.

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