Recap of My Journey So Far
I believe the series has served its purposes in documenting my journey from where I was in 2018 to where I am now. Some unexpected things have happened in America and in the World since then, and I have made a significant change in direction because of them. I will be starting two new podcasts soon, one on Christian Apologetics (which I believe to be my life’s calling), and another on Content Marketing and Copywriting. Below is a quick recap of my progress since I started this series.
Income Progress Since Starting This Series:
- First Month of This Series (July 2018): $373.
- Average Monthly Income Now (April 2022): $3,000 to $4,000.
Texts Memorized Since I Started This Series:
- Chapter 17 of The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles
- Chapter 17 of The Science of Being Well by Wallace Wattles
- Pages 1 – 6 of The Oversoul by Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Chapter 2 of The Kybalion
- The Isha, Kena, and Mandukya Upanishads
- The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Full) Books 1-4
- The Dhammapada (Full) Books 1-26
- The Tao Te Ching (Full) Books 1-81
- Chapter 3 verses 1- 8 of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes)
- Chapters 1 – 4 of Bereshit (Genesis)
Connect With Me:
- LinkedIn Connections: 14,083 (Connect with me on LinkedIn)
- YouTube Subscribers: 273 (Subscribe to my YouTube channel)