I’m One of Those Entrepreneurs Who Started With Nothing…More Than Once
You’ve heard stories about entrepreneurs who start with nothing. But, how many times do you get to SEE their story unfold in real-time? That’s the purpose of this podcast, “The Story of My Experiments With Hope,” of which this video is the first entry. In these videos, Seth Czerepak tells the raw and unfiltered story of his entrepreneurial comeback.
In 2012, Seth was a confident and financially successful entrepreneur. In the five years between 2012 and 2017, everything fell apart. This podcast is a video journal of how Seth fought his way back. As you’ll see, his story literally starts with him in poor health, low on hope, and with no monthly income. Join Seth as he rediscovers the right balance between hope and determination, revealing the story of each new challenge along the way.
This first podcast marks the beginning of Seth’s journey. It summarizes how Seth hit bottom, and how he started coming back up. Again, you’ve heard stories about entrepreneurs who started with nothing. Now, watch a story of one of America’s toughest entrepreneurs unfold in front of your eyes. No scripts. No fancy production. No bullshit.
Seth Czerepak at 185lbs
In 2013, I had been a strict vegan for one year. This picture is the result. My goal is to get back to 185lbs by 2021.

Goals and Progress
- July Income: $0 (July Goal: $250).
- Bodyweight: 242lbs (Goal 185).