Ralph Waldo Emerson: The Oversoul Analysis – An Entrepreneurial Perspective
I consider Ralph Waldo Emerson’s works essential reading for every Principle-Driven Entrepreneur. Especially these five selections from this “Essays, First Series” collection…
- History
- Self-Reliance
- Compensation
- The Oversoul
- Circles
In my opinion, these five ^ essays are some of the best writings on the laws of cause and effect and how to align our will with them to create change in the world. Every time I read one of these five essays, I gain a deeper understanding of these basic principles. In today’s podcast, I talk about a revelation that came to me while on vacation in California last year, regarding how the laws of cause and effect really work and how to align our will with them.
This revelation is encoded into this passage from my favorite Emerson Essay, The Oversoul…
“Those who are capable of humility, of justice, of love, of aspiration, stand already on a platform that commands the sciences and arts, speech and poetry, action and grace. For whoso dwells in this moral beatitude already anticipates those special powers which men prize so highly. The lover has no talent, no skill, which passes for quite nothing with his enamoured maiden, however little she may possess of related faculty; and the heart which abandons itself to the Supreme Mind finds itself related to all its works, and will travel a royal road to particular knowledges and powers. In ascending to this primary and aboriginal sentiment, we have come from our remote station on the circumference instantaneously to the centre of the world, where, as in the closet of God, we see causes, and anticipate the universe, which is but a slow effect.”
This passage is featured in the final chapter of another one of my favorite personal growth books, The Science of Being Great, by Wallace Wattles. You’ll also find this concept encoded into the Hermetic Philosophy, The Hindu Upanishads, The Dhammapada, and many other wisdom writings. In this podcast, I explain why this little known concept is so important for entrepreneurs, and for anyone who wants to leave their mark on history.
Goals and Progress
- September Income: $2,138 (September Goal $1,500).
- October Income: $0 (October Goal $2,000).
- Bodyweight: 240.6lbs (Goal 185).
- Linkedin Connections: 3,682 (Goal 10,000).