The Truth About New Year’s Resolutions for Entrepreneurs
Here’s the truth about New Year’s Resolutions…they’re one of the most ridiculous superstitions in the modern world. How many people get TRULY spooked on Friday the 13th? I’m talking about those people who honestly believe that bad things are going to happen to them just because of a date on a calendar? If you think these people are nuts, you should honestly ask yourself you’re being just as superstitious by setting New Year’s Resolutions and believing that “this time will be different.”
In the first book of my Single Serving Wisdom series, I say that you have to grow for the life you want, not for the life you already have. In other words, if you want a better life, YOU have to become better. There’s an ocean of difference between this mentality and the New Year’s Resolution mentality. One acknowledges a fundamental principle of life, that lasting and positive change only comes from growth. Anything else must be sustained by concentrated effort and willpower.
I don’t care how motivated or hard-working you are, NO ONE is immune to this fact. Expecting yourself to achieve a goal by a specific date is hard enough. What’s harder to the point of being impossible (not to mention impractical) is expecting yourself to retain whatever results you achieve. Fat people are fat because they have fat people’s habits. If they have a tremendous amount of willpower, they can sometimes get skinny by following a diet program. But most diet programs aren’t built around the principle of change through growth.
Broke people are broke because they have broke people’s habits. If they have enough willpower, they can pay off some debt and save some money by following a budget plan. But, if they don’t dump their broke habits (and their broke beliefs) they’ll end up broke again in a few months, or years at best. Everyone in life is like this. Again, you have to grow for the life you want, not the life you have.
People who put their hope in New Year’s Resolutions make it about a date on a calendar, and that makes them just as foolish and superstitious as people who look for the devil under every bush on Friday the 13th.
Goals and Progress
- Body Weight: 235lbs (Goal 185)
- Body Fat: 24.3% (Goal 6 to 8%)
- Advanced Math: Algebra I -> U.6 (using
- Language: Spanish -> 2.O (using
- Reading (Again): The 8th Habit by Stephen Covey
- Reading (Again): Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
- Reading (First Time): Becoming Superhuman by Dr. Joe Dispenza
- Reading (Full Bible): New Testament, Luke Chapter 10
- Memorized: Chapters 1 – 4 of Bereshit (Genesis)
- Memorized: Chapter 17 of The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles
- Memorized: Chapter 17 of The Science of Being Well by Wallace Wattles
- Memorized: Pages 1 – 6 of The Oversoul by Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Memorized: The Isha Upanishad and Mandukya Upanishad
- Memorized: Chapters 1 – 3 of The Dhammapada
- Memorized: 15 Chapters from The Tao Te Ching
- Memorized: Chapter 2 of The Kybalion
- Buy an RV With Cash: $1,000 Saved (Goal $20,000)
- Vervenia Software Development: Debugging II (Launch 2/14/2020)
- Forex (Paper Trading): $100.00 to $126.78 (Up 26.78%) Since 12/23/2019
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