entrepreneur hero's journey Archives - Seth Czerepak

entrepreneur hero’s journey

Podcast 17: The Law of Rejection

When you reject someone’s first offer in order to get a better one, you’re applying the law of rejection. The term “law of rejection” is something I started using in 2008 and it’s an invaluable strategy in sales and in marketing. In marketing the law of rejection states that the better you get at attracting high-value customers, the better you’ll get at repelling high-drama customers.

Podcast 23: Faith, or Skepticism?

Faith and Skepticism are both essential to your success as an entrepreneur. Faith for reasons I’ve talked about in past podcasts on the Principle of Faith.  Skepticism because it guards your mind from the truckloads of BS found in so many books on business success. It also protects you from being led astray by the shiny objects that come across your path.

Podcast 35: Dreamers vs Achievers

Entrepreneurs vs dreamers…what’s the difference? Some would say that dreamers dream, while entrepreneurs act. But, there’s more to it than that. In my experience, the most important difference between the two is that dreamers have unreasonable expectations about how hard it is to get a business off of the ground. They’re mostly interested in the good parts of being…

Podcast 38: False Prophets

Some people are really vulnerable to entrepreneurship scams. They’ve tried dozens of new business ideas, but they’ve spent more money than they’ve made. I’ve met people who have spent five and six-figure sums on entrepreneurial ventures, training courses, seminars and business opportunities, and made nearly nothing as a result. Why are some people so…

Podcast 42: Above the Snakeline

Working above the snakeline is the secret to achieving the infamous “4-Hour Workweek.” From my 10,000+ hours of one-on-one coaching with thousands of entrepreneurs, working with everyone from the broke, to the wealthy, I’ve learned that the standard Monday to Friday, 40 plus hour workweek is just a fossil of the industrial age model. Working “above the snakeline”…

Podcast 50: Toxic Relationships

Nothing will crash your entrepreneurial dreams faster than toxic relationships in business. The same is true in your personal life. If you’re an ambitious person with big dreams, you’re one in a million. The odds are slim of you finding a business partner who is nearly as hardworking, creative, and persistent as you are. The odds are even slimmer that you’ll find a romantic…

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